As I was driving to work today, I thought about those long summer drives we used to drive as kids (when we thought 20 minutes was long). I thought why not make it fun and have fun with the ABC's while you are in that long drive. Here are a few examples what you may find on your drive. Check off how many you find. Feel free to think of more.- Aa- acorns, apples
- Bb- balloons, bag, ball,butterfly, bandaid
- Cc- cat, circle, can, cow
- Dd- dog, Dunkin Donuts, deer
- Ee- egg, envelope, elephant
- Ff- feather, flag, flowers
- Gg- gate, something green (other than grass)
- Hh- ____ house, hose, horse
- Ii- inchworm, ice cream sign
- Jj- jug, jellybean
- Kk- kite, key
- Ll- lights, laundry outside
- Mm- money, manhole, McDonald's
- Nn- numbers, net
- Oo- something orange
- Pp- post office, pool
- Qq- quarter, quilt
- Rr- for rent sign, raccoon
- Ss- how many signs you see?
- Tt- trees, turkey
- Uu- umbrella
- Vv- vet office
- Ww- water, white car
- Xx- xylophone
- Yy- something yellow, yarn
- Zz- zipper, zoo sign
The things you find are unless.