Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Clean Up Idea!!!

I tried out a new idea the other day for clean up time with my prek kiddos.  It worked out so well I have decided to share the idea with you.  I rang a bell.  The students were asked to make statues.  The best statue did not have to clean.  The other students came over to me and received a color.  The color that they got was what they had to clean up off the floor.  If they finished their color I then gave them another color or they had a chance to pick up (ex. blocks, paper).  The room never got cleaned up so fast.  I was amazed.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Look what I worked on today

If anyone is interested in dominos or concentration cards, I made 3x5 cards.  I love making things to make my life easier in the classroom.  School starts soon.  I am keeping myself busy getting ready.  I have so much stuff to do between now and next week.  School starts Sept. 3rd.

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Check back later for more fun stuff!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I use clip art from a variety of places to help my prompts come alive this way the students have fun writing about the topic the given topic.  I know I mentioned that I would do apples first but I think it would be appropriate to tackle the topic Back to School.

Some of the prompts, I have used are:

I love having the children write their name the best they can on the first day of school and then take it out again the last week of school.

Prompt:  This is how I wrote my name on the first day of school.

This year, I want to learn about ________________________________.

The best part of school so far is _________________________________________.

________________________      is for      ______________________________.
(first letter of the child's name)               (name something you like that starts with the first letter)

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...
Will there be enough room?
_____________  has ___________ letters in their name.

How many letters are in your name?
_____________________ has ___________________ letters in their name.

My friends name is _________________ and we like to ___________________________.

I will be posting more prompts as the year progresses.  I love to hear the students imagination.  Its really important for students to express their thoughts and ideas.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Scrappin Doodles Graphics

Help Wanted:  Are you looking for ideas for back to school?

Please submit your ideas....

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Friday!!!!!

I will be working on writing prompts for apples this weekend..Due stay tuned.

It was a long week at work this week.  It's amazing how much people can chip in help each other out when things get crazy at work.  That's one thing I am grateful at work is to have a great support team.  We all pitched in and helped out each other.

I may also might do a different layout so I can start having followers and have pinterest added to my blog.  I love pinterest and have found so many great ideas that I will share with you.  If anyone who reads this blog knows how I can link pinterest to my blog please, please let me know.

Have a good weekend.